Even if you aren’t operating a motor vehicle, you could still be at risk for possible accidents. As a pedestrian you have just as many possibilities for injury, with none of the protections that a car offers. More than 14,000 pedestrians were injured in auto accidents...
Los Angeles and California in general is infamous for its auto accident statistics – but motorcycle accidents can be even more dangerous and fatal. Motorcycle accidents are actually so dangerous that about 80% of all motorcycle accidents result in injury or...
Driving can be dangerous in general, but California is infamous when it comes to our traffic and auto accident rates. Though statistics can be scary, they can help us to learn what to look out for, and can sometimes even help us improve driving safety. These car...
The impact of COVID-19 has been so unprecedented and widespread, and we’re still trying to navigate the effects in our communities and daily lives. While delays and restrictions will happen, your personal rights and well-being should not be compromised as a result....
Enduring the death of a loved one is devastating on its own – but learning that their death was caused by someone’s negligence is another matter entirely. As hurtful as it is to know that your loved one’s death could have been prevented, there may be financial...
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